24th June 2001 - Sore mouths, Hand Jobs and becoming a fluffer.
Aaron Lawrence is a 24 year old escort and porn star from New Jersey. He's also got a college
degree in Psychology and is the author of The Male Escort's Handbook and Suburban Hustler both of
which he published himself. Every fortnight in OutUK he answers your questions on being gay,
sex and relationships and any other stuff you might want to ask. He says "My advice is based on my
experiences in the sex industry, academia, and life. In no way am I a medical doctor, licensed
psychologist, trained sex therapist, or God. Please read my advice with those limitations in mind".
Aaron 'sez: Hey, folks! I'm back from Russia and am in an absolutely wonderful mood. After having sex with sooooo many cute boys there (on film, of course!), I'm recharged and loving life.
So here is my latest column. There are a number of medical questions in here. Please keep in mind that I'm not a medical doctor, and consult with Dr. Goldstone to get answers to my questions. You can address questions directly to his own column though on his website at www.gayhealth.com (see below).
From the Mailbag: You may recall that I emailed you about various issues involving prostate cancer. Well, it's looking like after external radiation and two different seed implant procedures, we didn't get it. I'm doing fine emotionally, and truly am not seeking sympathy or anything like that. I've started hormone deprivation therapy which is usually good for 2 to 4 years and then, barring new treatment developments (and they're coming out all the time), the cancer will generally start taking over. I mention it only as additional information - anyone who is over 50 should be checked yearly, and starting at 40 isn't a bad idea.
Aaron 'sez: I hope your bum prostate gives a wake-up call for all men over 50 (40 if you have a history of prostate problems in your family) to have their prostate checked. It's a minor examination, and it can save your life. Best wishes from Aaron's Advice over the next few years. Keep us informed how you're doing, okay?
From the Mailbag: I use a penis enlarging pump regularly as does my lover. The results can be quite thrilling. I seriously doubt the claims of an increase of 4", but I imagine an inch is possible, maybe more. But these increases are not permanent and never will be. The only permanence could result from the build up of scar tissue if you get carried away. A vacuum pump forces the spongy cells of the penis to expand further than they are normally inclined, and it is reasonable to assume that damage could occur.
We have pumped with the owner of a pump company who has certainly gone overboard; pumping his cock and balls into a creation that vaguely resembles its original form, and is much more fascinating than sexy. It's like a beer can on top of a jumbo grapefruit (no exaggeration) and not really great to play with. I think he may have permanently changed his stuff, but at what cost? His ballsack is as hard as that grapefruit, he looks ridiculous in pants on the street, and all of his sex now must center around the pump.
My lover and I are not that extreme. We love to pump to give each other our mutual size-queen thrill, and it works. Our cocks become longer, fatter, heavier, meatier, but NOT harder. The results are not permanent and begin to fade before too long. Regular pumping delivers better results which also diminish and fade away to normalcy. The down side is this: we both have naturally big dicks. When we don't pump, we feel less secure about what we have naturally: "look at my tiny wee-wee!". Pumping should be treated as a fun thing that one can do, and nothing more. Signed, Tiny Wee-Wee
Aaron 'sez: Thanks for the pumping story. As I've said before, there are no medically safe and "side effect-less" methods of permanently giving yourself a bigger dick. Your story just goes to say that one should be careful what they wish for, they may just get it in a way they don't expect.
Question: I'm a boy from Malaysia. They say that gay in Malaysia is taboo. I'm only 14 years old, a Chinese boy and my religion is Catholic. They say that Catholics can't be gay. Is it true? I've fantasize about being fucked and fucking with other man. Since I'm only 14, I can't do much except pillow fucking, masturbating. I don't dare to try ass fingering. I may only watch gay porn sites when my parents aren't around. Signed, Sia Teen
Aaron 'sez: Rest assured friend, Catholics can be gay, as can Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, and everyone else. Just because your local church doesn't want to accept your sexuality doesn't change the fact that you may be gay. The Catholic Church has never been very good at chance, and is usually at least 50 years behind the surrounding society in terms of it's values.
You're only 14, so fortunately you have plenty of years ahead of you to come out and accept your sexuality. So don't beat yourself up over the issue. It's okay for you to masturbate a lot - I encourage you to develop some very hot fantasies about what you'd like to do. God knows every other 14 year-old kid is doing it too.
There are also two web resources you may want to check out as well. The first is "Out in Malaysia", a site all about gay life in Malaysia. Another is Dignity, a resource for Gay Catholics.
Above all, hang in there. Many countries are in a state of change on gay issues. Some are changing rapidly, some less so. But they are changing, and the world is slowly entering the 21st century on gay issues.
Question: I occasionally hear the term "fluffer", which I understand to be someone who keeps a porn star hard or gets them hard prior to a photoshoot. I must admit, being the cocksucking slut that I am, I fantasize about being a fluffer for a porn shoot. Just for the thrill of sucking cock for as long as I like. So tell me, how does one get to be a fluffer in the NYC area? Signed, Karlheinz
Aaron 'sez: Good news and bad news. The good news is that yes, the fluffer is the person who keeps male porn actors (straight or gay) behind the scenes. It's usually done by oral sex. The bad news is that it's almost entirely a mythical job. What fluffing needs to be done is usually done by the other models on the set. And with the rise of Viagra the need for fluffing has gone down (heh heh!) considerably. Having been an amateur video producer for several years now, I can also tell you that the ratio of offers I get to be fluffers and models is 2:1. And considering how rarely fluffers are used (read: essentially never), you'd better accept that those fantasies are likely to stay just that.
If you'd ever like to have even the vaguest remote chance of being a fluffer, you'd be wise to get some video experience to learn how a video shoot works and how to work with nervous actors. You'd also better start befriending a lot of porn producers, because you're going to need to know a bunch of them before you are even invited to a single set.
Question: How do you correctly wrap a towel around yourself for walking around in a bathhouse? I always wind up tying the ends in a knot, but I see some guys who do a nice smooth wrap that isn't always falling down. Much as I'd like to just ask them how they did it, they'd either think it a was a cheap come on line, or the line would work and we wouldn't need the towels anyway. Signed, Why Bother With a Towel Anyway?
Aaron 'sez: The key to tying a towel around you so that it doesn't fall down is to do it tightly. If there is any slack in the towel, it will inevitably fall down quickly. First, experimentally wrap the towel around you so that the outside end (not the end next to your body) will wind up over the forward part of one of your sides. I say do this experimentally, because you're guessing at first where the inside edge of the towel should be. Once you've got an approximate measure of how much you went over or under your goal, you can redo the towel putting the inside edge closer to the ideal spot. It may take you a few tries to do this.
Now since the towel is tight, as you walk around you'll find that it loosens slightly. This is okay, although you may have to rewrap the towel at some point. It is advisable that you do so in front of someone you find attractive. If he checks you out, you've got a potential partner.
Also, keep in mind that stairs may be difficult to navigate with a tightly-wrapped towel on you. It depends on how far down the towel hangs on your body. The lower it goes, the more annoying it will be. Hence why some guys like to fold their towel in half before they put it on. It gives more freedom of movement, more access to the "fun regions" of your body, and shows a lot more flesh. (Indeed, some bathhouse managers learned this a long time ago. I used to frequent one bathhouse that had different sized towels depending on how good looking the manager thought you were).
As a side note, tightly-wrapped towels make a person's stomach look bigger. That's why some men tend to tie them around their stomachs rather than around your waistline. Next time you're in a bathhouse, take a note of what height level people have tied their towels. It'll give you a good idea about what their love handle situation is once those towels have been removed.
Question: My partner has small chin growths--like facial warts. Is there any risk of his transmitting the wart during kissing or oral sex? Signed, AZ Toad
Aaron 'sez: I checked with Doc Goldstone for this one. According to his Doctorness, the chin growths may or may not be facial warts. If they are, they can be transmitted to other parts of his body or to you. They may not be facial warts though, in which case they could be irritated hair follicles. Or HPV-warts on his face. In the latter case they are also contagious. Your lover should see a dermatologist as soon as possible to have them examined. Until then you may be at risk of contracting them, and he may be at risk of spreading them over other areas of his body.
Question: I have prostate cancer. The doctors have implanted radioactive seeds in my prostate a year ago, and at present I am doing fine...psa down to 0.2 etc....I can still get an erection and masturbate.
I am going along fine, and every six months I get a new blood test. So far I am very good. What I want to know is whether I can still engage in anal sex, giving or receiving. I know you can't give medical advice, but generally speaking is this still possible? I am still in the closet, in fact so far back in the closet that I am behind the wall in the back of the closet. I can't ask my doctor for myself specifically, but I really wanted to know if this was still possible. Signed, "Wants to know"
Aaron 'sez: According to Dr. Goldstone, yes, you can have anal sex. However radiation can cause some irritation to the lining of your rectum, which in turn can be painful and can make it easier to transmit STDs and HIV. If you experience any sort of pain or bleeding, you should stop having anal sex. As long as it doesn't hurt though you should be fine. If you are having problems with inflammation, try using a mild hydrocortisone suppository.
Question: About a week after sucking dick my mouth gets lots of little sores that don't last too long but they are annoying. Any ideas about preventing this other than using condoms? Other gay friends have experienced the same thing. Signed, Marvelous Mouth in Wisconsin
Aaron 'sez: I asked Doc Goldstone this one too. He said it didn't sound like an STD, but he did have a few interesting thoughts on what may be causing it. The first was irritation from drying of the mouth. If that's the case, licking his dick and making sure you have plenty of fluids in your mouth will help. (And I mean water, not cum). He also thought it might be a reaction to lubricant on the guy's dick. This is especially possible if the lube has nonoxynol-9 in it.
You may want to do your own experiments to see what factor(s) is causing it. Now that you've got a few theories, it should be too hard to determine if any of these are the cause.
Question: I have a question for you and Dr. Goldstone. Years ago I thought I was infected with herpes. I went to my local health clinic, the doctor told me it's not herpes and prescribed some antibiotics. It didn't clear up. I was in another area a few months later, had sex with a girl, and she later reported to me she had contracted herpes. She claimed it must have been from me because she hadn't been with anyone else. I visited a second doctor told me I didn't have herpes or MC and the signs (not sure if you'd call them sores or pustules or what) were actually folliculitis. She prescribed some antibiotics as well and told me not to worry.
Over the years, I've used antibacterial soap and remain relatively clean however the problem persists. They have spread from my groinal area to my head. They only occur in areas where I have significant hair. Although last summer (while working outside in the extreme heat of the south), I had an outbreak across my (bare) chest and inside my (bare) thighs. They resemble pimples for the most part though they can go for about a week before popping. The discharge is white and sometimes hard, just like what comes from pimples. They are painful when I pop them -- not unlike pimples but different enough to mention. Also on some occasions, when they burst, I will find a hair intermixed with the discharge. The hair is usually very stiff and straight almost like a quill or very flaccid and curly.
Additionally I have a mild skin deformity. I don't have an epidermis. I was born without one and never developed one. I have dermis (skin) and all the other layers of "skin". I look normal now but when I was younger, I had red "spots" all over my body. They look like freckles but are very red and either indented or raised slightly. These spots were actually various hair roots and such exposed.
My question is how do I finally get rid of this never ending case of folliculitis? It's never fully gone away. I've tried over the counter anti-bacterial soaps and antibiotics. I am generally healthy and heal from nicks and cuts quickly. Is it really folliculitis? I'm pretty sure it us given the diagnosis from two different doctors in clinics which deal specifically with STDs and the presence of hairs in the discharge and that I only have this in hairy areas (aside from the one time on my chest but I think that was the extreme heat combined with sweat that merely gave it temporary purchase). Should I just go to a pharmacy and get some form of scrub which is stronger? Should I see another doctor and get a prescription? I'm completely at a loss on this one.
Aaron 'sez: Youch what a long question! Memo to you: Next time you send such a long question I'll delete it. As it is I had to edit out half of what you said. A question should be able to be summarized in 100 words tops. : )
The Doc looked over your question and agreed that you have a very complicated medical problem regarding your skin and folliculitis. He said it didn't sound like an STD, but it was a complex problem that could not be diagnosed or treated through advice column. He suggested you make an appointment with a good dermatologist for a more thorough consultation.
My advice would be that if that doctor doesn't help you within six months, that you find someone else after that. Sometimes you have to shop around before you can have the more complex medical problems solved. Also, try looking for a doctor affiliated with a university hospital. Someone once told me that they tend to have a higher level of knowledge and skill than their non-university counterparts. This is because they need to stay on top of current knowledge in the field if they teach. Not sure if it's true or not, but it certainly can't hurt.
Question: I am 59 years old and currently am using Yohimbe. In the past I have also used Viagra. Both have proved to be relatively effective. I am curious, tho, as to what could happen if I used both at the same time. Twice as good, or dangerous? I am in good health and recently had an EKG that showed no problems. I exercise a lot, so my heart rate is a low 52.
Aaron 'sez: Bad idea. Yohimbe can lower your blood pressure, as can Viagra. Doing both at once is asking for major trouble.
Question: Do you know of any internet sting operations around the country that those of us who hire escorts should be aware of? I travel extensively, and often run across intriguing ads that I pass on for fear of becoming a victim of entrapment. Signed, Uncle Lust
Aaron 'sez: You're in luck. There are very few Internet stings around the country designed to go after clients, excepting those who are attempting to hire people under 18. In that case the risks become extremely high.
I suggest staying active on the message forums on www.male4malescorts.com. They have some of the most current and up-to-date information on the subject available. Otherwise I wouldn't worry. Vice cops are far more likely to go after online escorts than clients.
Question: I want to give my boyfriend a hand job, and I have never done it before, do I kiss him while I'm doing it? And what are some good techniques? Signed, Lost
Aaron 'sez: There are several good ways to do this, and none of them are correct. You'll have to learn how your boyfriend likes having his dick jacked off. Some guys love it and can cum easily. Others find that it gives them little pleasure.
One of the best ways is to have your boyfriend lie on his back and spread his legs. Sit down between them and slide your legs forward so that they are under his and next to his sides. Put a pillow under his head to make him comfortable, and behind your back to help you sit up. In this position both of your hands are free. You can jack him off and rub your other hands on his balls, thighs, stomach, chest, or anywhere else that he enjoys.
Another position involves laying down beside him. He lays on his back, you lay on your side with your hand free. You can put your other arm under his head to hold him steady as you kiss and masturbate him. A lot of guys like being jacked off in this position, but it can be tiring on your arm after while. Often you eventually have to sit up next to him because your arm gets too tired otherwise.
One other good way is to have him sit on your lap or between your legs. You can do this on a chair or sitting on your bed with your back against the headboard. Just twist and adjust yourselves a bit so you can kiss him while you jack him off. If you can work out a position that is comfortable for both of you, you'll find you can jack him off for long periods of time without your arm getting tired.
Try asking him how he'd like to do it. There are lots of possible positions to masturbate someone. Think about it for a few minutes and you'll come up with plenty more. In some you can even be fucking him or having him suck you at the same time. Be creative, keep playing, and don't let your desire to get him off mask your ability to learn what he truly enjoys. That's the secret to truly being a good lover.
Question: I'm scared to death right now. I have a boil (?) or two big warts that have grown around the ring of my colon. I'm scared because I'm not gay, and I practice safe sex most of the time. Do you have any idea what caused this or what it could be? Signed, YellowFellow
Aaron 'sez: You have anal warts, or you may have a bump that is something else. In either case, don't worry about people thinking you're gay. Straight guys get these ailments just as easily as anyone else. Go see your doctor and have him take a look. It's important you do so rather than just ignore them, because if they are warts they will spread and get worse, and can eventually cause serious medical problems.
Question: On a number of occasions, when someone (most often an escort) is ready to jack me off, he applies oil to my penis or to his hands. I assume he does this to provide lubrication. The problem is that it causes me to lose my erection. He can play with my cock all he wants, and nothing will happen. I suspect that the oil removes so much friction that there is no stimulation at all.
I have never topped anyone, so I don't know if lubrication or a condom would also cause me to lose an erection, but since I'm not a top, that isn't much of a concern to me.
Do most men use oil or some sort of lubricant when jacking off or being jacked off? Am I unusual in that it causes me to lose my erection? I realize the solution to my problem is to tell my partner before hand not to use oils or any other lubricant on my penis or his hands, but often I don't think of it until it is too late. Still no big disaster, other than losing the moment as I have to interrupt our sex as I wash it off. But I'm just curious if I'm unusual. Signed, JimT
Aaron 'sez: As you well know, not everyone likes being jacked off with any sort of lube or oil. So next time someone goes to put oil on your dick, stop him and tell him you prefer it dry. Lots of guys prefer it that way. If I had to guess from my own experience, I'd guess 3/4 of guys don't use lube when they masturbate. That being said, 3/4 of guys can use it without any noticeable problem. Either way, it really is a matter of personal preference. If you like it dry, then by all means do it that way. If you keep forgetting to tell your partners not to use oil, then there's not a lot of advice I can give you. Tie a string in a bow around your dick perhaps? He'll ask why you have it there, reminding you to tell him you don't like your dick lubed.
As for fucking, some people find that putting a touch of lubricant inside a condom gives them greater sensitivity. Others find just the opposite. You should experiment to determine what you like. You can also use ultra-thin condoms for greater sensitivity too, although remember that they have a higher breakage rate. But as you said, you're not a top so that really won't be an issue for you.
Aaron sez: I receive many submissions of questions I have already answered.
Aaron's Advice is published every couple of weeks in OutUK and you can see my past OutUK
columns in the OutBack archive.
| Bedtime Reading |
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Aaron's bestseller which graphically reveals his businesslike approach
to the world's oldest profession. Available at Amazon.
Aaron sez : For more information about gay health, check out Dr. Goldstone's book,
The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex. |
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Suburban Hustler - Memoirs Of A HiTech Callboy is Aaron's first bestseller which has sold
more than 200,000 copies at AmazonUK alone. Available here. |