10 male Conservative MPs have lost the party whip over allegations related to sexual misconduct since the 2019 election. The latest was just over a month or so ago, when Tory MP for Fylde in Lancashire Mark Menzies was suspended over claims he allegedly misused campaign funds demanded from an aide, to pay off “bad people” who had locked him in a flat.
The Times reported that he called his former campaign manager at 3.15 in the morning saying he needed cash as a matter of “life and death”. According to an account given to the paper by a source close to Menzies, the eventual sum needed to secure his release totalled £6,500 and was paid by his constituency office manger by cashing in her ISA. She was paid back the money, not by him, but via Tory party funds.

Just 9 days before, William Wragg the Tory MP for Hazel Grove in Greater Manchester, resigned the party whip after admitting to giving out colleagues’ personal phone numbers to someone he met on the gay dating app Grindr. He gave out the contacts fearing that if he didn’t comply with the demand, the man would release intimate pictures of him.

Disgraced Tory MP for Fylde Mark Menzies
Official Photo: Chris McAndrew
CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
It's 21 months since PM Sunak pledged to bring “integrity and accountability" back to politics. The Menzies and Wragg scandals came just months after Tory MP Peter Bone was suspended from the Commons for six weeks following an investigation which found that he had bullied and was sexually inappropriate around a former male member of staff. He has since lost his seat in the Commons, and his partner who stood as his replacement spectacularly lost the by-election to the Labour Party candidate in what was formerly a safe Tory seat.

Bone's disgraceful behaviour came to light just days after another Senior Tory MP Crispin Blunt was also suspended, this time by his party, after being arrested by Police on suspicion of rape and the possession of controlled substances. In April of last year, Blunt publicly apologised for defending former Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan, following that MP's conviction for sexually assaulting a teenage boy. Khan was sentenced to 18 months in jail.

It's just two years since the then Tory whip Chris Pincher resigned from his government role after allegations that he had groped two men while drunk at London's exclusive Carlton Club. This total lack of “integrity and accountability" is however nothing new for the Conservatives in Government as it's been missing from our politics for centuries.

on the 16th November 1889, newspaper The North London Press published a sensational story which implicated members of the House Of Lords in a rent boy scandal based in a male brothel in Cleveland Street just off Tottenham Court Road. As the story unfolded the Royal Family became involved, and such was the outcry, indecency laws which were then passed as a result criminalised gay sex. That law was only repealed in 1967.
The Cleveland Street Scandal, which implicated several prominent members of British society in a homosexual prostitution ring, prompted a cover-up that extended to the highest levels of government and the second in line to the throne, writes gay historian Liz Highleyman.

The scandal, along with the subsequent trials of Oscar Wilde, contributed to an anti-homosexual panic that shaped British public attitudes to gay men for years to come.

In the summer of 1889, while investigating a theft at a London post and telegraph office, police came across a teenage delivery boy with 18 shillings in his pocket - more than someone in his position might be expected to earn.

Prince Eddy, second in line to the throne, and widely presumed to be the reason for the establishment cover-up of those involved in the rent boy scandal.
Upon questioning, the boy revealed that he and others had been moonlighting as rent boys, working out of a building at 19 Cleveland Street in London's West End. A detective assigned to watch the house reported "a great many gentlemen" coming and going.

In July, police went to the Cleveland Street house to arrest proprietor Charles Hammond and his accomplices, bearing a warrant charging that they "did unlawfully, wickedly, and corruptly" conspire to procure young men "to commit the abominable crime of buggery." Hammond had already fled, but the police arrested Henry Newlove, an 18-year-old clerk. Newlove - who divulged that the clientele of the Cleveland Street brothel included several highly placed men - was tried, convicted, and sentenced to four months at hard labour.

Initially the case received little attention, but Ernest Parke, editor of the radical North London Press, soon took an interest in the matter. Just four years earlier, Member of Parliament Henry Labouchere had inserted a provision into the Criminal Law Amendment Act decreeing that "any male person who, in public or private, commits or is party to the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of any act of gross indecency with another male person" shall be imprisoned for up to two years.

Parke wondered why Newlove had gotten off with such a light sentence, and began to suspect a cover-up. In November, he published an article naming Lord Arthur Somerset (supervisor of the Prince of Wales' stables) and the Earl of Euston as clients of the Cleveland Street operation. "These men have been allowed to leave the country and thus defeat the ends of justice," wrote Parke, "because their prosecution would disclose the fact that a far more distinguished and more highly placed personage than themselves was inculpated in their disgusting crimes."

Fearing prosecution under the gross indecency statute, Lord Somerset had indeed fled to Europe. But the Earl of Euston remained in England and filed libel charges against Parke, claiming he had only been to the Cleveland Street house once - mistakenly believing he would see a female nudie show - and had left immediately. Unwilling to reveal his sources, Parke was limited in the witnesses whom he could call in his defence, and he was convicted and sentenced to 12 months in prison. Suspecting that the cover-up extended to the highest levels of government, M.P. Labouchere called for an inquiry in February 1890, but his motion was defeated by a large margin.

Many assumed that the "more highly placed personage" Parke referred to was none other than the Duke of Clarence, Prince Albert Victor (familiarly known as Eddy), the eldest son of the Prince of Wales, and the grandson of Queen Victoria. The 25-year-old Eddy was a dull-witted man given to impeccable dress and personal indiscretions. In addition to the Cleveland Street Scandal, rumours also connected Eddy and his associates to the 1888 Whitechapel murders, in which several female prostitutes were savagely killed and disemboweled in London's East End slums. Some who have studied the events have claimed that Eddy himself was Jack the Ripper, while others have fingered Eddy's coachman, the royal family's physician, and Eddy's tutor (who was also reputedly his lover). After Eddy died in 1892, his father had his letters destroyed, and the mystery remains unsolved.

None of the prominent men implicated in the Cleveland Street Scandal were ever punished, and some of the rent boys were reportedly paid to leave the country. The affair had a major influence on British attitudes toward homosexuality, reinforcing the perception that decadent aristocrats were corrupting working-class youth. The scandal, and its sensational coverage in the press, sustained a sex panic against "buggers" that would culminate in Oscar Wilde's trials in 1895. Labouchere's gross indecency law remained in effect until 1967.


Rishi Sunak's premiership began 21 months ago with his pledge to bring "integrity and accountability" back to politics. It's a pledge that several Tory MPs and donors don't seem to have heard. Just two months ago, the largest ever donor to the Conservative Party, and Rishi Sunak's close friend, Frank Hester was embroiled in a racism scandal after being reported as saying in a company meeting that MP Diane Abbott made him "want to hate all black women" and should "be shot".

And then there are these 15 Conservative MPs who've been making their own headline news since the last election:

  • Scott Benton - had the whip removed after he made an offer to reporters, posing as investors, that he would lobby ministers in return for payments. 10% of registered voters in Blackpool South signed a recall petition to get rid of him. By-election loss.
  • Crispin Blunt - arrested on suspicion of rape and possession of controlled substances. Standing Down at this election.
  • Peter Bone - suspended from the Commons after being accused of bullying and sexual misconduct. The Commons regulator found that he had repeatedly hit and verbally abused a member of his staff, often asked him for massages and on one occasion put his bare genitals in the other man's face. Bone was recalled by more than 10% of his constituents and is no longer an MP. By-election lost to Labour.
  • Andrew Bridgen - was permanently expelled from the Conservative party last April following the recommendation of a disciplinary panel. He lost the Tory whip after comparing the use of Covid vaccines to the Holocaust, and had used his platform to promote anti-vax conspiracy theories. He quit the Tory party to join Reform, and then quit from Reform after a difference of opinion.
  • Charlie Elphicke - convicted and jailed for two years for sexual harassment. No longer an MP. His wife who took his seat has now defected to another political party.
  • Matt Hancock - resigned for his breach of Covid rules, when it came to light that he was having an affair with a member of his parliamentary office. He was found to have broken the Ministerial code and had the Tory whip removed. Standing Down at this election.
  • Imran Ahmad Khan - convicted and jailed for sexual abuse of a teenage boy. No longer an MP. By-election loss.
  • Julian Knight - was suspended from the Conservative whip in December 2022 after serious sexual assault allegations were made against him to the police. Earlier this year he was told by police that he would face no criminal action. He is to stand as an independent candidate at this election.
  • Mark Menzies - suspended over claims he allegedly misused campaign funds that he demanded from an aide to pay off “bad people” who had locked him in a flat. Standing Down at this election.
  • Neil Parish - admitted to watching porn in the chamber of the House of Commons. No longer an MP. By-election loss.
  • Chris Pincher - suspended after being accused of sexually assaulting two men at a London club. No longer an MP. By-election loss.
  • Dominic Raab - resigned after an investigation concluded he was guilty of bullying behavior as a minister in his department. Standing Down at this election.
  • David Warburton - resigned in the face of allegations of sexual misconduct and illicit drug use. No longer an MP. By-election loss.
  • Gavin Williamson - told by a Parliamentary independent expert panel to apologise to the House of Commons and to take behavioural training. He resigned from the Government as Minister of State without Portfolio.
  • William Wragg - resigned the party whip after admitting to giving out colleagues’ personal phone numbers to someone he met on gay dating app Grindr because he feared the release intimate pictures of him. Standing Down at this election.
  • Nadhim Zahawi - sacked as chair of the Conservative party for committing "serious breaches" of the ministerial code over his tax affairs. Standing Down at this election.

There are now a declared 87 Tory MPs who are Standing Down at this election, who have defected to another party, who have lost the Tory whip, who have lost their seat in a by-election, or who have been jailed since taking office. This total now exceeds the last Tory exodus, which took place ahead of Labour's 1997 landslide victory.

The election on July 4th gives you an opportunity to pass your judgment on the failures of this Tory Government. Make sure you vote for change.

REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR PHOTO ID and go to your local polling station to use your vote wisely. Don't leave it to others - Make your voice heard!

More Reading:

The Cleveland Street Scandal, H. Montgomery Hyde, WHAllen
Available from Amazon

The Cleveland Street Affair, Lewis, Chester et al, Weidenfeld&Nicholson
Available from Amazon


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