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As a educational archive, the Bob Mizer Foundation is supported by grants, donations and the contributions
made by its devoted members. The Foundation's interns and volunteers are integral to helping us achieve our stated goal of promoting and preserving progressive and controversial photography.
Bob Mizer began taking photographs as early as 1942, first experimenting with self-portraits and later moving to the boardwalks of Venice beach to capture images of body building
competitions. His early works, while not as polished or perfected as his later photographs, laid the groundwork for a career that would span 50 years.
From the time of his first
foray into professional photography in 1945, with the establishment of the now infamous Athletic Model Guild, until his death in 1992, Bob Mizer focused his lens on the male form,
drawing ire from the religious right, law enforcement, and even the federal government. The images he produced, while provocative at the time, were by no means explicit, but
nonetheless lead to years of legal battles and a near half century of personal anguish. was replaced for a few years by the cutely named website, but now
they have returned to as their main website.
It remains the largest collection of vintage, all-male photographs from the 1900s
to the 1960s.