And you know what’s funny?
Tired and unmotivated as I was, I actually felt better and ready to face the day when
all was done.
That energy carried over into yesterday morning when, for the second time in a week,
I managed something I previously found unfathomable. I did a full 40 minutes of cardio.
Now some of you are probably saying ‘Wow. He ran! Big deal!’ How little you know me.
I’m that kid who used cramps, bad knees, asthma (I’d have pulled the ‘I’m on my period’
card if I thought I had a shot in hell of pulling it off) to get out of running as a kid.
And, as an adult, my alleged 40 minutes of cardio capped out at 15, 20 max.
But in recent weeks, I’ve found mixing it up is the way to go. Fifteen minutes on the
treadmill, followed by 10 minutes on the stairmaster, followed by 15 minutes on the
elliptical. Sometimes I jump rope. Sometimes I hike. This morning I even made nice
with the rowing machine. The point is if I break it up, it doesn’t feel like 40 minutes.
It feels like three different workouts and that I can wrap my brain around.
As for the physical results, well, I’m topping the scales now at a whopping 163lbs,
meaning I am 6 pounds heavier than I was when I started. I’m not checking body fat
percentage. The fact that the belly roll on the side of my waist has all but
disappeared tells me I’m moving in the right direction. And with any luck, when
I take my shirt off next week for all of you to see, it won’t have magically re-appeared.
So there we are folks...check out some of these extra workouts David tags on to the
end (barbell workouts, ab workouts, beach workouts). On a day when you need a little
inspiration, the sudden change up goes a long way toward helping—trust me.
Until next time, thanks for reading and happy exercising.
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