the aficionado, though, there's the rimseat, an easily made bit of sex furniture.
Securely bolt four sawed-off chair legs to the bottom of a toilet seat, and you've
made a veritable throne. The rimmer lies back underneath the seat while his tongue
reaches upward to the easily accessed, comfortably seated rimmee. There's even a deluxe
version being marketed - the Joyrider, its way-comfy seat
suspended on springs for utter adjustability.
But as much fun as it may be, rimming is - sorry! - a health risk. Even an apparently
healthy guy can be a Petri dish of germs. If you're the person being rimmed, you might
get anal herpes and there may even be a slight chance of getting syphilis, but the
real danger is to the rimmer. Diseases passed through rimming can be really
unpleasant, maybe difficult to get rid of, and some can even kill you.
The good news is that rimming seems very unlikely to transmit HIV. Even if there's a
bit of blood present, we're talking oral sex, and the HIV risk from performing oral
sex is, from what we know, pretty damn low. (There is, though, some evidence that rimming
can pass an agent implicated in Kaposi's sarcoma, the cancer-like skin disease seen in
many HIV-positive queer men, and a few negative ones, as well.)
The bad news is that all sorts of other nasties make the gut their home. There's
giardia, the parasite you can get from impure water on a camping trip, and E.Coli,
the bacterium behind Montezuma's Revenge. There's also shigella, salmonella, and a
host of other yucky things that can cause digestive upsets. Sometimes, as with
acute shigellosis, the symptoms are unmistakable - severe cramps, chills, non-stop
runs. But other things, like giardia, can cause milder symptoms.
There's also Hepatitis A, very easily passed from butt to mouth. While it's self-
limiting, curing itself after a few weeks, those weeks can be uncomfortable indeed.
(And especially dangerous to an already-damaged liver.) Fortunately, there's now
effective vaccination against Hepatitis A; you might well want to take advantage
of it.
But - and this is the really tricky thing - many intestinal infections can be
asymptomatic; a guy can be infected and pass the stuff on to others without
knowing it.
So what's a butt-muncher to do? Well, it can't hurt to get to know the guy you're
going down on - a little discussion beforehand can be worth a pound of cure. But
since he might not know what he's carrying, there's "protected rimming."
Take a biggish sheet of non-microwavable plastic wrap, put a glob of lube on the
hole in question, lay the wrap over the butt, and munch away. But (no surprise, really)
this can take a lot of the fun out of things, particularly for the rimmer. And that
wrap can really slide around.
If you're not going to use a barrier, a just-cleaned hole can help matters. A few
protozoa are less likely to lodge in the gut and cause disease.
Unfortunately, guys, this is one hobby that entails some serious risk-taking. Unless
you use that plastic wrap, it just ain't safe. But (let's admit it) it sure
is hot.

Simon Sheppard
San Francisco artist and activist Simon Sheppard is best known for his contributions to the erotic literary scene. He wrote hundreds of stories that appeared in S/M magazines; erotic anthologies; and over twenty editions of Best Gay Erotica and Best American Erotica. His Sextalk column has appeared on OutUK for more than 20 years. You can find out more about Simon Sheppard in this OutUK feature and tribute, or take a look at some of his many books that are still available:
Looking for something very sexy and just as smart? Man on Man collects the best and hottest gay sex writing by Simon, who is also
co-editor of Rough Stuff: Tales of Gay Men, Sex, and
Power as well as a collection of gay erotica called
Hotter Than Hell.
In KINKORAMA : Dispatches from the Front Lines of Perversion he takes readers behind the unmarked doors and black vinyl curtains that lead to the sometimes shocking, often hilarious, relentlessly arousing scenarios of extreme sex. There
are also stories of bears in Tales from the Bear Cult: Beat Bear Stories from the Best Magazines.