to OutReach - the OutUK guide to Help and Resources for
Gay Men in the UK. Feel free to visit any of the links,
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OutReach is OutUK's guide to Help and Resources for Gay Men in the UK. We list 30 individuals or organisations in
18 different sections covering all aspects of gay life.
Our new links
are listed together with our
top recommendations.
OutReach - YOUTH
 | Stonewall’s work on discrimination in schools
How we are tackling a legacy of LGBT discrimination in schools. Over the last 33 years, Stonewall has helped create transformative change in the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the UK. Today, we have equal rights to love, marry and have children, and our lives, families and relationships are represented as part of the national curriculum in most of the UK.
 | 5 Things to Know about LGBTQ Youth
Adolescence is a time of significant physical and social-emotional development for youth. For a variety of biological and social reasons, it is also the time when many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer/questioning (LGBTQ) youth begin to self-identify as such.
 | LGBTQ Teen Suicide Rates
The Newport Academy report on research that shows lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) teens are at increased risk of suicide and mental health issues like depression and anxiety. One of the most startling statistics: LGBTQ teens consider suicide and make suicide attempts at about four times the national rate for all adolescents.
 | Albert Kennedy Trust
A registered charity set up to help homeless gay and lesbian teenagers. Has offices in London and Manchester.
 | OutUK Sexual Health
Are you ready for sex? OutUK and NHS Livewell provide lots of information to consider if you're thinking about having sex. There's information on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how even if you do not have symptoms, it's worth getting tested.
 | Allsorts Youth Project
Allsorts Youth Project listens to, supports & connects children & young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
 | BBC Newsround
BBC Newsround report on the decriminalisation of homosexuality and the history of gay rights in the UK with a simple guide for young people.
 | BeYou Project
The BeYou Project connects young people in Kent who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary or are questioning their sexual orientation and / or gender identity. They offer a safe, welcoming and non-judgemental space where young LGBT+ people can meet to socialise, have fun and help each other.
 | Brighton Gay & Lesbian Switchboard
Operating since 1975, the BGLS is on-call every night and receives over 4000 queries every year. Site includes a directory of local services, organisations and venues.
Children Of Lesbians & Gays Everywhere. The only international organisation in the world specifically supporting young people with LGBT parents.
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