James Connor can answer all your questions on gay relationships, sex, health and love. James founded his own highly successful gay website and film label called FreshSX. The opinions he gives in Ask James are based on his experiences as a gay man who enjoys all aspects of love and sex. He's not a qualified doctor, trained counsellor or therapist but his advice is like that of a close friend.

The Ask James Archive has loads of questions and answers featured in previous editions of the column.

Ask James

This Week - Crystal Meths, Sore bums and Making movies

Andy asks: James, you look so cute and sexy! I have been hearing a lot about guys taking crystal meths and getting HIV. I know a few friends who have taken it and they were trying to get me to do it last week, but I wasn't sure. Is it dangerous for me to take it?

James says: Hi Andy, crystal meths has hit the headlines recently as it is a drug that is being increasingly used or misued as is often the case. Of course at the end of the day the decision to take any drug is a personal one but with something as dangerous as crystal meths you would be advised to make sure you know what the risks are first and be clear there are some real risks with this drug.

While on crystal it is very common for sexual activity to increase greatly but due to the nature of the drug it also makes people much less inhibited and as such can often lead to dangerous unsafe sex practices. The figures are not looking so good with some research suggesting that in almost half the new HIV cases in the US crystal has been a factor. Added to this are the health risks of crystal itself including mood swings, risk of overdosing, paranoia, short term memory loss, and damage to the immune system.

Crystal has really hit America badly and it is now becoming increasingly common in London and other European cities as well. It's not a very nice drug to take as it has horrible come downs as well. A lot of health care officials are dismayed at how crystal has reversed so much of the hard work done to help HIV patients and HIV prevention. This is due to crystal actually having a negative impact on many HIV positive men with psychological and medical complications.

Crystal has also led to a large number of gay men catching HIV due to unsafe sex and barebacking, and it is also very addictive. If you wanted advice as to whether to try it or not the simple answer is NO! It just isn't worth it!

If you want more information have a look at this website www.lifeormeth.com

Moi stands up to ask: Hi there. Not sure if you can help, this is really embarrassing. My bum is quite sore, and the doctor has told me that I have piles. Will having anal sex cause any long term damage or should I leave it. I can't go without anal long term as I love it. Thanks.

James replies: Medically piles are known as Haemorrhoids and they occur when a blood vessel in your ass becomes inflamed. This can cause itching, bleeding, and discomfort and is typically associated with people who are overweight, lift heavy objects or have a bad diet. Piles can also be caused from over enthuiastic sex.

When you have piles it is advisable to let them get better before getting fucked again as anal sex will only inflame them more and won't help you get better. You won't have to go long term without anal sex as they can heal quite quickly if you make a real effort!

Try taking more exercise, increasing the fibre in your diet and don't force yourself when you go to the toilet. When having sex use lots of lube, take control first so that your partner doesn't go too fast and if you use toys then make sure they are soft and are not going to cause you any damage. You can also check the Archive of Ask James for more advice as we had piles of questions on piles a while back!

Mounty is one of many to ask: I am 30 this year and want to get into porn movies but don't know who to get in touch with, or what to do to get started. Can you give me some advice.

Shiftyme2 says: I want to star in adult films in the London or Essex area can you help me please.

James answers: Hi there, well making porn movies is great fun and is also a great ego boost and a way of immortalising yourself on film for posterity. It can also be a great way of making some quick money!

It is worth looking at the different companies first to check to see if you are the right type for them. Different studios and websites are all after different types of looks so check whether you are suitable for them first before you apply. That way you won't waste their time, and you are less likely to be rejected. Don't apply to a twinks site if you are 30, or a Daddies site if you are 18 and have smooth chest. A lot of the companies have advice and model information of this kind on their sites.

There are a few people who film in the UK including OutUK and the company I model for www.freshsx.com. OutUK produce mainly solo and duo photo sets for the OutUK website and there is Model Information on the site. FreshSX work mainly with guys aged 18 to 28 for their porn movies which is always filmed with another model. You can apply to them by sending some pics to casting@freshsx.com

All adult companies you work with will always require your ID to be able to prove that you are over 18 although they will not usually use your real name. Instead you should choose a model name that you will work under. You should also ask as many questions as you can before doing the work so that you know exactly what to expect and what they expect from you. Also find out how much money you will be paid and how they are going to pay you. Models also have to sign a model release form when doing adult work and you should take time to read this before signing it and you could ask them to email you a copy before going to the shoot. Finally you should also try and relax and enjoy it as making movies can be a lot of fun!


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