Please Mr Postman

by Josh

...'We gotta hurry', he said, then he reached between us and unbuckled his belt...

Disclaimer Warning:    If you're under age or offended by the explicit gay fiction, you shouldn't be here reading this - so DO NOT read any further. In fact please leave, and get a life! For all the rest of you guys, welcome to the Fiction Factory. The following is a fictional story and any relation to any real person is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. This story was originally published in the Nifty archive at and may not be used anywhere else or reproduced further without the author's prior permission.

Country living; I enjoy it ... a lot. For one thing, I have found that there is a distinct advantage to having a rural mailman. I discovered recently that he can spend a little extra time with his customers if needs be. Or so it is with the mailman on my route.

I knew we had a new man doing the rounds, I had seen him a few times at the back of the post office, loading his van, but we had never been introduced. I mean, I don't make it my business to welcome all new government employees to the town or anything; I just had seen him and thought he was good looking.

Anyway, a few weeks had passed when it all came about. He (let's call him Billy) drove into the yard and blew his horn to signal that I had a package. It was a hot August day and the sun was boiling down relentlessly. This was the first time I had seen the mailman up close. He was most definitely a spunky country bumpkin! If you MUST know, I am a fairly closeted bi-sexual (which means, in my case, that my spouse has no idea). I was glad she had gone shopping in Winterville (about 35 miles away). Had she not, the following could not have been told…

When I approached the car window, he handed me a few letters and reached back over the rear seat for the package. When he did, his shirt pulled open and I caught a glimpse of thick black hair surrounding his navel. He was sweating profusely and his wide chest was heaving. Tangles of hair curled from the open collar of his shirt. Admittedly wanting to see more of his body, I made my pitch. "Let me grab you a coke while you're here," I offered as I took the mail. "God, thanks, that would be great! Just make it ice-water though," he said, "...but I'm not supposed to get outa the car...and it's hot as hell out here on the road." That was my signal. "Yeah, I can see how hot you are -- that hairy chest of yours probably adds to the heat!" Then I added, "if I was you, I'd either open it up or take the damned thing off..."

When I returned with the water his shirt was wide open, revealing a hard, muscular and VERY hairy chest. Beads of sweat meandered through the dark hair and glistened like tiny diamonds in the sun. I was instantly turned on; there was no doubt about that. "Took your advice" he said, smiling seductively. "Now if I could just find a way to get outa these hot jeans!"

He rubbed his hand across the knee of his jeans and slid it slowly upward until it rested on his crotch. "I'd like to see that myself!" My emphasis on the word "that" almost embarrassed us both, I think. He took the water and drank it in one gulp.

I couldn't believe how sexy this mailman looked. He was about 35, I guessed, or a few years older. Black and slightly grey hair curved down in rather elongated sideburns. He was unshaven in that he sported a dark five-o'clock shadow, though it was scarcely two in the afternoon.

I was burning inside as much as outside now. The boiling sun was no match for the immense sensual heat he was generating. "Er, would you like to come in for some more water?" "No-one home?" "Nope." With that he shut off the car engine and said he couldn't take a lot of time lest someone turn him in, so it would have to be a "quick" situation.

Once inside the house, I quickly turned and pulled his shirt from the confines of his jeans and drank in the sight of his hairy washboard belly. A wide strip of sweaty black curls swam down the middle of his stomach and dove seductively into the waistband of his jeans.

"We gotta hurry..." his voice trembled a little. Then he reached between us and unbuckled his wide belt, pulled it open and unsnapped the button at the waist. The silver zipper slid halfway down just from the bulge inside.

I moved downward on one knee before him. He wore no shorts. Black, coarse curls met my gaze surrounding the first several inches of bronze shaft. It looked like a sleeping python that awaited my kiss in order to fully awake. He moaned as I tugged the zipper down and allowed his cock to go free, pushing instantly out of the opening and revealing its size to my eager eyes.

It was not all that long, probably seven inches, but it was so big around that my fingers would scarcely meet when they encircled the throbbing shaft and brought it to my parted lips. The head looked like a fresh over-sized nectarine! I could smell that familiar musk cologne - clean, masculine, and extremely seductive.

I laced my fingers around the coke-bottle-sized shaft and let my bottom lip slide along the underside of the huge, wide-eyed head of his prick. His low moan made me eager to give him the pleasure his body was seeking - and my mouth was watering for! His penis was so stiff that the head felt like glass against my tongue: smooth, slick and seductively warm. I knew the head was so large that I would have somewhat of a difficult time getting it into my mouth, so I took a few seconds and teased at it. "I know...the time...I know..."I said between deep breaths and circular licks, "but your body is so damned sexy..."

I let my tongue enjoy a swirl around the thickness of the glassy head. I licked at it slowly, but wantonly, hungry to have this entire lemon-size cock-head in my mouth. He leaned back against the closed door and moaned his approval; then I felt his strong hands on the side of my head. He stroked my ears gently, then eased one hand around the back of my head and slowly pulled me forward. "Yeahhh, take it all...damn...feels so good...." The warm, smooth flesh moved passed my bottom lip.

I opened my mouth wider and felt the magnificent cock head slide over my tongue. I had to move my head from side to side a few times to allow entrance of his enormous, weighty cock-head. My lips stretched to accommodate the fullness of it, moving the gathered foreskin back further and made way for the full shaft. My hands ran up over his magnificent chest again. His muscled torso was tense now as his body began to sway forward and back, pushing the pulsing cock deeper with each forward thrust.

I tugged his jeans downward to his knees, then rubbed slowly up and down his powerfully muscled legs. Then, my hands instinctively roamed up his sides again and back to his belly and chest, roaming all over as I tried to suck in more of his cock. He suddenly crossed his arms in front of his body and, with one swift move, removed his shirt over his head. "Yeahhhhhh..." he moaned above me, "rub my sweaty chest that ...yeahhhh ... feels so fuckin' good..."

He was right about that! His body was definitely hot and feeling good. He was lost, as I was, in the heat of the moment. His chiselled, very hairy chest looked like something out of a muscle mag down at Waldenbooks. Mail-carrying and humping all those sacks agreed with him. I almost creamed my jeans as I looked up at my nearly nude suitor from my vantage point between his spread legs.

His ribcage contracted as he breathed heavily, that wonderful chest heaving sensually. His eyes were closed as he anticipated the explosion building in his balls. I could feel the coarse crotch hair against my upper lip as he shoved the final inch of prick deep into my throat and grunted out his pleasure. His over-sized balls pushed against my chin and he held me there, impaled on this throbbing flesh piston.

I tried to swallow; the movement in my throat must have pushed him over the edge. He groaned loudly, arched back against the wall and his cock exploded into my throat, nearly gagging me. I pulled back just to the underside of the head and took several spurts of his hot love milk, rolled it around the spongy head with my tongue and swallowed. Its salty-sweet tang sent a shudder through me. His ass was humping wildly as he pumped home his load, so I grabbed both bulbous ass cheeks with my hands and helped him face-fuck me. In and almost out of my hungry jaws he rode that power tool.

As he bucked his naked thighs into me, I allowed one hand to run from his balls to his navel, then to his chest again. My fingers tweaked one hard nipple then the other as he gasped. "Ooooohhhhhhh, shit...yes...that's t...fuck...shit...oooohhh...deep... take my whole fuckin' load...." I swallowed fast, trying to keep up with his massive spurts of jism. He stared down at me as if in unbelief as I laced my fingers around the still-spurting shaft and pulled it forward. Opening my mouth, I licked my tongue forward and caught several swirls of his warm cum. ""he gasped, "...I ain't ever...ohhhh....shit.... that looks so fuckin' good... suck it, stud... me..." He was insatiable.

He had stopped cumming, but his hips were still in motion. He took the still swollen prick in his hand and pushed the head against my lips again. Obediently, I opened my mouth and accepted his warm, well-veined, jism-slick gift and he moaned above me as it entered the confines of my throat again. He pushed gently this time - in and almost out and my tongue bathed the slippery eel over and over again until he seemed to be relaxing. Then, I was able to pull the semi-erect prick from my mouth. I lifted it up and back against his hairy belly and licked the underside slowly, lovingly. The blue vein was pulsing hot against my tongue.

"Yeaaahhhhhh, fuck if you ain't gonna get me hard again...and I need to get the hell outa here... " he said and grinned approvingly. He ran his hand over his chest and downward until he could grasp his spittle-wet prick. He began to slowly push the foreskin over the head, then skin it back to force a drop of love-dew into the gaping eye. Smiling down at me, he pushed his sticky cock against my forehead, offering it to me again. Without abandon, I licked away the dew-drop. Then, I actually French-kissed the head and let him push it between my lips again. His cock began to thicken again as he held it in my mouth. God, what a stud, I remember thinking.

"Can we ... do this ... again sometime?" he asked.

I mumbled an affirmative answer and nodded my head. I continued probing his cock with my tongue, literally vacuuming it clean of all the love milk and spittle mixed. Billy never lost his erection. When he pulled it from my lips the final time, he had to fight to stuff it into his jeans. I watched in awe as the object of my affection was zipped into the denim confines of his jeans.

He pulled his shirt closed and buttoned it up, then tucked it quickly into his jeans. "Gotta go," he said. I opened the door for him and, as he turned to leave, I ran my hand over his ass. He stopped abruptly for a second, then repeated his former question. "Can we do this again?" I gently squeezed his muscled ass. "You better believe're welcome to make a special delivery here any day."

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