First Published: June 2004
       This is an OutUK Archive Item and so some of the links and information may be out of date.

You can find the full results and all the news and background to
The Bingham Cup by visting their website

Here are more exciting pictures from this great weekend of rugby.

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OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1025.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1026.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1027.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1028.JPG
OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1029.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1030.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1031.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1032.JPG
OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1033.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1034.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1035.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1036.JPG
OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1037.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1038.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1039.JPG OutUK OutStrip - BinghamCup1040.JPG
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To commemorate this anniversary we present items from the OutUK Outback Archive which reflect the events of 9/11 and its aftermath.

Results and pictures from the 2004 Bingham Cup
Attack on America - The story of 9/11
The book that tells of the heroism and sacrifice of Mark Bingham
Eyewitness Reports From New York and Washington
The Personal Story of Flight 93 Hero Mark Bingham
More on The Anniversary of September 11th 2001
OutUK sponsors the The Bingham Cup


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