As we approach the end of the year, we've been taking an oh-so-close look at the
hottest hunks you'll find at the movies over the coming months, and those whom we
couldn't get enough of in 2005. OutUK Hollywood Correspondent Ross van Metzke had the tough
job of checking out the man-flesh.
I love this time of year. The studios are all scrambling to put out their best work in
anticipation of Oscar nods, stars are getting glammed up to do the talk show circuit and, with
any luck, a handful of pics starring hotties hit cinemas for gay men to ogle.
It wasn’t too tough to dig up ten studs popping up in a theatre near you in the coming months.
Hell, Brokeback Mountain alone got us 1/5 of the way there.
Some of these studs have the chops – some of them just look like a damn fine side of meat.
Either way, all of them are fit as hell.
Kevin Zegers Felicity Huffman is getting a ton of much deserved buzz for this December’s
TransAmerica, but it’s Kevin Zegers’ star making performance as her down on his luck hustler son
that is the stuff Hollywood success stories are made of. Zegers offers a raw, touching
performance, and for folks who just like staring at extra hot guys, breathe a sigh of relief –
though you’re almost scared to look at this 17-year-old kid naked, the actor is actually 21.
Thank God!
Matt Damon I remember the first time I saw Good Will Hunting. Everyone’s focus was on this
amazing script by this incredible actor. All I kept thinking was how damn good Matt Damon looked
in a pair of tighty-whiteys. Save a memorable scene in The Talented Mr. Ripley, Damon has kept
his clothes on for the most part since Hunting, and it’s a damn shame. Thankfully, he’s got such
an amazing smile, such piercing eyes and real acting talent, I can almost overlook the fact he’s
typically wearing clothes. Look for Matt in November in the scathing oil thriller Syriana.
Paul Walker OK, so admittedly, Paul Walker isn’t going to win any Oscar’s for delivering a
brilliant soliloquy anytime soon. And I’m OK with that, because Paul Walker let’s his bod do the
acting, and a wise choice that is. This January, Paul is Running Scared as a mob employee paid to
dispose of guns after the hit has been carried out. After doing a bit of research, I am pleased
to report that once again, you can expect to see Paul without a shirt. Score!
Ryan Reynolds So he’s engaged to Alanis Morrisette. I don’t hear wedding bells just yet. All I
have to say is that lady got damn lucky. Ryan Reynolds was always cute. But along about, oh,
Blade III, Ryan went from being cute to being the sort of guy you have wet dreams about in
high-school. Armed with a ripped bod and a megawatt smile, Ryan buries it under prosthetic fat
for this December’s Just Friends. Thankfully, the plot involves Ryan shedding tons of weight
midway through, so chances are, we’ll see those abs yet again.
Taye Diggs Returning for the film version of the show that made him a Broadway star, Taye Diggs
takes to theatres in Rent this month and will surely stand out among his costars. Ever since his
big screen debut in How Stella Got Her Grove Back, ladies and gentleman alike have been drooling
over Taye. I mean, check out that face. Sheer perfection. The body don’t hurt either. This is the
sort of guy you could stare at for hours (and he can sing). So buy your ticket, bring a blanket
and relax.
The Top 5