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[Previous Feature] [Next Feature] This Week - C : CholesterolAbout your cholesterol resultA cholesterol test can measure: - total cholesterol - the overall amount of cholesterol in your blood
- good cholesterol (called HDL) - this may make you less likely to have heart problems or a stroke
- non-HDL cholesterol - the difference between total cholesterol and HDL
When you get your result, you may just be told your total cholesterol. You might be able to get separate results for your HDL and non-HDL cholesterol too. Ask your doctor or nurse. View your results onlineResults of tests you had at your GP surgery, and results that have been shared with your GP surgery, may be available in your online GP health record. View test results in your GP health record How your GP uses your resultsYour GP will use your cholesterol levels along with other factors, such as your age, blood pressure and health conditions, to estimate your risk of cardiovascular disease. They may give you a score (called a QRISK score) which estimates how likely you are to have a heart or circulation problem over the next 10 years. What your cholesterol levels should beWhat is a good target level for you depends on things like your age, whether you have any health conditions and your risk of cardiovascular disease. These levels are a guide for healthy adults. If you have been ill, are taking some medicines, or have recently had a baby, your levels may be lower or higher. It does not make much difference to these levels whether you have eaten before your test or not. Further information
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