Welcome to the OutUK series looking at gay men and their health brought to you in association with the NHS website.
Each week we'll tackle a different topic in our A to Z of Gay Health. We'll have features and advice on everything from relationships, sexual health, mental and physical conditions and how to stay fit. You can follow any of links provided below for more information direct from the nhs.uk website.
OutUK has produced a special series about: Coronavirus Covid-19.

Here are our previous and current A to Z of Gay Health Features:

AAnal Pain
 BBad Breath
 EEjaculation Problems
 GGippy Tummy
 JJoint Pain
 KKaposi's sarcoma
 NNon Specific Urethritis
 PPremature Ejaculation
 QQuitting Alcohol
 RRed eyes
 SSinusitis (Sinus Infection)
 TTestosterone Deficiency
 WWarts (Genital)
 XXXY Syndrome
 YYour Tight Foreskin (Phimosis)
 ZZits and Acne

 BBinge Eating
 EErectile Dysfunction
 FFood Intolerance
 GGender Dysphoria
 IItchy Bottom
 KKidney Infection
 LLiver Disease
 MMelanoma (Skin Cancer)
 NNail Problems
 PProstate Problems
 QQuit Smoking
 SSemen Worries
 TTesticular Cancer
 UUrine Issues
 VVaricose Veins
 WWeight Loss
 YYou Self Harming
 ZZZZ... Trouble Getting to Sleep

AAlcohol Poisoning
 CCold Sores
 DDry Mouth
 EEczema (Contact Dermatitis)
 KKnee Replacement
 NNon-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
 OObsessive Compulsive Disorder
 PPiles (Haemorrhoids)
 QQualified Therapists (Counselling)
 RRestless Legs Syndrome
 SSciatica & Butt Pain
 TTesticle Swellings
 UUrinary Incontinence
 VVomiting & Diarrhoea
 WWhite Cell Count
 XXtra Low Red Cell Count
 YYour Personality Disorder
 ZZapping Insects

AAnorexia Nervosa
 BBlood Pressure (Hypertension)
 CCoeliac Disease
 DDVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)
 EEye Infection (Herpes)
 GGlandular Fever
 HHair Loss
 JJoint Replacement of Hip
 KKnocked-out Tooth
 LLeg Cramps
 MMemory Loss (Amnesia)
 NNausea (Feeling Sick)
 QQuick Thinking First Aid
 RRoot Canal Treatment
 TTENS (TE Nerve Stimulation)
 UUmbilical Hernia Repair
 VVascular Dementia
 XX-ray Density Bone Scan (DEXA)
 YYellow Fever
 ZZizzy Dizziness

AAnabolic Steroid Misuse
 BBody Dysmorphic Disorder
 DDupuytren's Contracture
 HHearing Loss
 IInfected Piercings
 KKeratoses (Actinic or Solar)
 PPersonality Disorders
 QQT Syndrome (Long)
 RRectal Examination
 TTrichomoniasis (STI)
 UUrinary Tract Infection
 VVitamin D
 WWatering Eyes
 XX-cessive Sweating
 YYawning and Tiredness
 ZZinc and other minerals

 BBack Pain
 EEarwax Build-up
 FFloaters and Flashes
 IIntensive Care
 JJock Itch
 KKnee Pain
 LLeg Ulcer
 NNeck Pain
 OOveractive Thyroid
 PProstate Cancer
 QQuality of Life
 RRheumatic Fever
 UUlcers in the Mouth
 VVomiting Blood
 WWarts and Verrucas
 XXcessive Social Anxiety
 YYou Being Stressed
 ZZero Tolerance for Alcohol

 AAthletes Foot
 BBlood In Semen
 CChest Pain
 EEating Disorders
 FFungal Nail Infection
 GGum Disease
 JJaw Pain (Temporomandibular Disorder)
 KKidney Disease (CKD)
 LLung Cancer
 MMale Menopause
 PPubic Lice (Crabs)
 QQuincy (Tonsillitis)
 RRectal Bleeding
 SSuicidal Thoughts
 TTooth Decay
 UUrine That's Smelly
 VVitamin B12 Deficiency
 WWeight Loss Surgery
 XXtra Nasty STIs
 YY-Me ? Panic Attacks
 ZZieve's syndrome and ARLD

 AAnorexia Nervosa
 BBlood Pressure (Hypertension)
 CCoeliac Disease
 DDVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)
 EEye Infection (Herpes)
 GGlandular Fever
 HHair Loss
 JJoint Replacement of Hip
 KKnocked-out Tooth
 LLeg Cramps
 MMemory Loss (Amnesia)
 NNausea (Feeling Sick)
 QQuick Thinking First Aid
 RRoot Canal Treatment
 TTENS (TE Nerve Stimulation)
 UUmbilical Hernia Repair
 VVascular Dementia
 XX-ray Density Bone Scan (DEXA)
 YYellow Fever
 ZZizzy Dizziness

 AAnabolic Steroid Misuse
 BBody Dysmorphic Disorder
 DDupuytren's Contracture
 HHearing Loss
 IInfected Piercings
 KKeratoses (Actinic or Solar)
 PPersonality Disorders
 QQT Syndrome (Long)
 RRectal Examination
 TTrichomoniasis (STI)
 UUrinary Tract Infection
 VVitamin D
 WWatering Eyes
 XX-cessive Sweating
 YYawning and Tiredness
 ZZinc and other minerals

 BBack Pain
 EEarwax Build-up
 FFloaters and Flashes
 IIntensive Care
 JJock Itch
 KKnee Pain
 LLeg Ulcer
 NNeck Pain
 OOveractive Thyroid
 PProstate Cancer
 QQuality of Life
 RRheumatic Fever
 UUlcers in the Mouth
 VVomiting Blood
 WWarts and Verrucas
 XXcessive Social Anxiety
 YYou Being Stressed
 ZZero Tolerance for Alcohol

THIS WEEKBBipolar Disorder

OutUK has produced a special series about: Coronavirus Covid-19.

We'll have more information and advice next week on another topic in OutUK's A to Z of Gay Health.

If you want to find out more about any subject covered in our A to Z of Gay Health you can visit the NHS website. If you are worried by any aspect of your health make sure you go and see your doctor or book an appointment at your local clinic.

Photos: LightFieldStudios and majesticca.


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